Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Arrest

Startled from their slumber, the disciples dreamily looked around. Peter say things in pieces. There was Jesus, standing above them with lights coming from behind Him. Peter could just barely make out the figures, spare one. Judas. The former disciple walked up to Jesus and kissed Him, not in respect, but with scorn that emanated from his face. As Judas steeped back, Jesus replied in response to the betrayel, "Friend, what do you want?" A lone soldier voiced, "Jesus of Nazareth." Without repose, the master answered, not with formal garb, simply the truth. He said, "I am he." Trembling as if invisible waves had slammed them to the ground, they made no move. Again, the teacher repeated, "What is it you want?" A singular soldier whispered shakily, "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus responded. "I told you I am he..."

Peter heard no more than this. The scene of betrayal and arrest had been unfolding, almost as if in a dream, until he saw the soldiers advancing toward Jesus. Drawing his sword madly, he charged toward the first person he saw. Anger misguided his weapon. His sword swung madly and hit a man's head. Everyone froze. Calmly Jesus walked toward the man and picked up his ear. As if this was normal, he placed it in it's proper place and walked away with his patient in shock. Then the Messiah turned toward Peter. "Put your sword away! Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

He sat on the donkey listening to the roars of the crowds up ahead. As they approached, the streets were overwhelming. One man spotted him and shouted, "Jesus is here!" The formally hectic crowd became pure insanity. As Jesus entered the market place, women waved palm branches and men surrendered their coats to the road. The Saviour cut though the crowd on the donkey looking at each individual. One woman in particular caught his glance. She was not rich, famous, or brilliant-just a women. But Jesus saw through her. Joyful tears ran down her face, not for show, but of the overflow of the heart. It was her long awaited Saviour. God was on earth. Suddenly, a shout came from the center of the chaos. "Teacher, rebuke your disciples!" Jesus looked around. With unsettled dust flying around, he looked at his followers. Sincere worship was on each of their faces. He knew what was ahead and that some would betray Him. He knew what the consequences would be. The 12 looked at him, longing for an answer. He faced the Pharisees and firmly said, "I tell you if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." The religious leaders shrank away, each trying to blend into the crowd.

NOTE: This is purely fiction. Not meant to be historically accurate, just to portray the mood of the day.